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Laurel and Hardy
and Buggleskelly


While visiting the Manchester Christmas model railway exhibition, I noticed a trade stand selling several Laurel and Hardy items. I spoke to the owner, Tom Marshall, a really nice chap and quite knowledgeable with regard to the boys. He's actually a founder of the Will Hay appreciation society (who also hold meetings/conventions).

A friend of mine bought some of his L&H OO/HO gauge model railway goods wagons. His main interest was the films of Will Hay, and the classic film O Mr Porter. This led him to recreate a detailed scale model of the fictional Buggelskelly Railway station, on the equally fictional Southern Railway of Northern Ireland.


Originally just for his own pleasure. Once people had seen his efforts, it led to requests for similar items. Considering the amount of work involved and the number of requests, it prompted him to invest in 3D printing facilities. He then diversified into other subjects including Laurel and Hardy, and the piano from The Music Box. Speaking to him it was evident he knew the films very well.

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He now has an ever growing number of subjects, many prompted by requests from fans and collectors. His work is very detailed, lifelike, and in no way similar to the 'caricature' type of models.

His figures are available in a wide range of 'scales' and will no doubt grow in the number of poses. His latest item is Mrs Wilberforce's house (Mrs Lopsided) from the classic Ealing comedy, The Ladykillers.

Anyone interested in his work, or maybe even suggestions for other figures or subjects from L&H films can contact him direct. See website details.



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