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John Robertson
Tributes and Funeral Arrangements
John Robertson.png

John’s funeral will be on Oct 7 at 12.15pm at Falkirk Crematorium. Thomas Cuthell and Sons are the funeral directors. Lorna says she will send us a link, for those who cannot attend, to view the funeral. We will post the link as soon as it is available.

Grahame Morris writes:
Anni and I are sorry to hear of the death of John Robertson.  I remember many happy evenings in the pubs of Ulverston after the carnival with John talking about Stan and Ollie and football. To be with all the Sons having an old fashioned pub sing a long is a special memory and John was good company. Our condolences and best wishes go to his family and friends.

Paul Brodie writes:
It has come as a real shock to hear of the death of John. We had great nights together especially when he was selling his annual badges on the Sunday nights at various UK conventions.
He was always great company and was always one of the last to bed at the convention. His optimism was always a joy and he nearly convinced me that Rangers FC were the biggest in Europe
It was profound that I heard of his death whilst visiting Ulverston, Stan’s home in England.
RIP my great friend.

Janice Hawton writes:
John and I joined the Bonnie Scotland Tent at the same time and the Glasgow 1987 Convention was the first Convention for both of us. Every Convention, the question would be, “What’s John’s joke?” John told the best ones and folk would be crying with laughter as he acted them out. A great raconteur and many a late night was spent with John regaling us with stories involving him working abroad in his younger days, escapades abroad following the football and just day to day fun and nonsense. John was
a great and fun guy to be around and will be sadly missed by all who knew him and our thoughts and sympathies go to Lorna.

Willie McIntyre writes:
It is impossible to count the number of times I enjoyed John's company. Those times were always full of laughter and I know we now all miss John's cheery presence. RIP.


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