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International Convention

Launched now is the logo for the 24th International Sons of the Desert Convention which will be held in San Diego. Dave Griem says, “Thanks to Ken Mitchroney for outstanding work! We are delighted to finally introduce our 2026 convention logo! Great thanks also to David Webb, as it will hit our convention FB page shortly. Excited yet, everybody?”

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Birmingham Bark

John and Mandy have issued another splendid Birmingham Bark, free to all members of the Laughing Gravy Tent of Birmingham.


Highlighted is lots of news of tent activities.

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The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall

The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall in Glasgow had another nice turnout for an evening of Laurel and Hardy movies on 7th August. In fact the hall was "packed".


Graham Hunter says, “For those craving more Stan Laurel, don't miss our Silent Comedy Classics featuring Live Music from Gladstone's Bag on September 4th at 7pm. This event will also showcase Buster Keaton's The Navigator accompanied by a live orchestra."

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Matthew at the museum

I've been lucky enough to work at the Laurel and Hardy Museum in Ulverston for 10 years and I absolutely love every minute of it.


Many thanks to:

Bill Cubin
Marion Grave
Mark Greenhow

This one family created the museum and has kept it going for over 40 years. They are such lovely and wonderful people.

Simon Sylvester

for giving me the idea for the documentary which got me in regular contact with the museum in the first place.

Tony Butcher

for taking the above photo and for being a wonderful friend (as well as L&H enthusiast.)

My Grandad, Alan Thompson

who introduced me to the films of Laurel and Hardy when I was 6 and therefore taught me the meaning of life.

And of course, many thanks to Laurel and Hardy themselves for creating the most perfect films that provide us with true happiness.

 Matthew Cooper on Facebook 

Yours Retro magazine

Graham Dawson and Roger Robinson bring our attention to issue number 76 of Yours Retro (August), which features Hal Roach’s Little Rascals.

It is a 4-page article with photos, about how Hal Roach had the idea to devise a comedy series around ordinary kids doing ordinary things. It also explores whether there is any truth in the often quoted phrase 'Our Gang Curse'. There is lots of other interesting material in  the magazine.

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Bonnie Scotland Tent

Inspired by Men o’ War and the fact that we were running out of suitable weekend dates in August, our nearly annual day out on the Waverley paddle steamer will be on Saturday 19 October. She leaves Glasgow at 10.00 and cruises Loch Long via Greenock, Kilcreggan and Dunoon.


It’s a grand day out.

 Janice Hawton

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...and finally

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